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Letter from CMD5's Compiler

Dear Brother or Sister

Greetings in the the Hope we share.

I am pleased that this disc has reached you. It contains a large amount of reference material which I hope will be useful. Please spend some time browsing through the various pages.

If you missed out on any of the CMD Series please click here for a full summary of their contents. To find out how to order please ask your recording brother or go to

So far the CMD Series includes CMD 5, 6, 7 and 8. The Bible Truth CD has been released and details can be viewed at the following website...
Future projects, God willing, are a Bible Study disc and CMD 9.

Should you have any suggestions or are able and willing to contribute in any way, please contact me. I am looking for Truth books, magazines, pamphlets, Bible Class notes, exhortations, Lectures, etc. in electronic format. Anything of benefit can be e-mailed to me ...

Sincerely, your brother in Christ

Mark Smith
Durban, South Africa

PS. Numbers 1 - 4 in the CMD Series have been replaced with numbers 5 and 6.