Instead of Audioactive Production Studio you can also
use dBpowerAMP
Music Converter (db).
Click here for their
- wma and other codexs are freely available from them.
2. For converting a wav file to an mp3 using non-studio
software, like db, you will also have to
the LAME codecs.
3. If the sound is too soft, you will need to use
a function called normalise which brings the sound
waves up to maximum - this option is available with db.
4. When recording, it's best to choose mono
- this is not only to save space, but balance is achieved
when recordings are poor. Otherwise the right channel
could be loud and the left soft, making it uncomfortable
to listen to.
5. When recording, don't stop the pc recorder
while changing sides. Carry on recording until the tape
comes to the end. Then examine the sound waves - a large
blank space appears where you changed side. Highlight
this area and press delete. This will neatly join side
1 with side 2.
6. Sound levels - keep the Microphone volume on
Volume Control low, and boost the incoming signal by increasing
the volume on your hi-fi set. This will reduce the background
noise levels. A setting between 25 and 40% is best.
7. Using the above settings shown in the diagram,
results in mp3 filesizes of 6 to 12mb depending on talk
length. This means you can fit about 70 talks on a single
computer cd.