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The whole CMD series and the Bible Truth CD has been sent to distributors in the USA, UK, Australia and Canada, and South Africa.
(CMD 11 is en route at time of writing (Sept 17))

The CMD series are sold at cost (R20 in S.A.) and the Bible Truth sells for 2.5 to 3 times that. The extra charge for the BT cd funds further distribution to interested people and members in isolation. If necessary, volunteers can acquire help from CBM to assist with bulk distribution for seminars, etc.

Anyone can distribute these cd's - if you have a cd-writer you are most welcome to copy them for your friends, family and others. There are no restrictions on distribution, except that any funds accruing must be used to aid preaching efforts.

UK - Bro. Phil Brown (Newquay, Cornwall)
USA - Bro. Darius Clarke (Simi Valley, CA)
USA - Bro. Martin Sande (Spring, TX)
USA - Bro. N. Trevor Brierly (Chantilly, VA)
USA - Bro. Gordon Martin (Springfield, MA)
AUS - Bro. Jonathan Burke (Mount Wavely, Victoria)
AUS - Bro. Ralph King (Labrador, Queensland)
Canada - Bro. Ed Rivet (Sturgeon Falls, ON)
Canada - Bro. Jon Fletcher (Kamloops, BC)
NZ - Bro. Walter Reibeling (Christchurch)
SA - Bro. Mark Smith (Pinetown, KZN Natal)

To order any of these cd's you may contact one of the brethren above, or you can e-mail me with your order, your name, postal address and ecclesia. Your order will be forwarded to the relevant distributor and they will contact you.


• NOTE •
A listing of all the cd contents can be found in the 'cover' directory.
The file is called ' cd_listings.pdf '