the speakers featured on this disc
Your encouragement and instruction is vital to our development and is
thus greatly appreciated.
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Bro. Hardi Bruggemann for agreeing to the inclusion of his book on The
influence of Gentile History.
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Bro. Jack Garvey and Bro. Ronald Roth for the supply of extra pamphlets
and leaflets
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St John's Newfoundland ecclesia for providing the text for some of the
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Bro. Michael Pearson for permitting the use of images from his Middle
East Update Site
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The Brethren and Sisters behind and other Christadelphian
internet sites from which I downloaded Elpis Israel and Christendom Astray
and other information
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...and Bro. David Fraser for his continued and much needed encouragement
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Many thanks to all and anyone I might have missed out.
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Blessed be the Lord God, our Mighty Creator for His love in guiding us
through the hardships of this present life.
Prov 11v3-5